Time Doctor-Hintergrundunschärfe
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Time Doctor
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Time Doctor Testberichte und Produktdetails

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Was ist Time Doctor?

Time Doctor ist ein robustes Zeiterfassungstool, das die Produktivität und Effizienz von Einzelpersonen und Teams gleichermaßen steigern soll. Es bietet detaillierte Einblicke in die Arbeitszeitnutzung und verfügt über Funktionen zur Überwachung der Web- und App-Nutzung.sage, Erstellen von Arbeitszeitnachweisen und Einrichten von Warnmeldungen bei unproduktivem Verhalten. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht es eine nahtlose Integration von Projektmanagement und Gehaltsabrechnung und ist damit eine vielseitige Wahl für Unternehmen, die ihre Arbeitsabläufe und Verantwortlichkeiten optimieren möchten.

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Time Doctor – Produktdetails
Mittlerer Markt
Einsatz Cloud / SaaS / Webbasiert, Desktop-Mac, Desktop-Windows, mobiles Android, mobiles iPhone, On-Premise-Linux
Unterstützung E-Mail/Helpdesk, FAQs/Forum
Ausbildung Dokumentation
Sprachen Englisch
Time Doctor Medien
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Stand: Oktober 02, 2024
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373 Time Doctor Berichte
4.5 von 5
Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
16. Mai 2023
Daniela C.
„Fern- und lokales Arbeiten möglich und trotzdem einfach“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

Its analytics and reports are intuitive. It is easy to use out of the box, and you can customize it further to best fit the work environment you wish to foster. You can turn on/off screen capture per user, set to every 3 or 15 minutes. The productive/neutral/unproductive web activity trackers are also beneficial for spotting different teams' focus time and productivity. All this helps with accountability when issues arise while providing employees the space to do their job best.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

Some of their scheduling features are low priority, and we have to upload weekly instead of being able to set a pattern /rule and then tweak as needed. However, this is a minor inconvenience and does not take too much time out of the general maintenance/use of the site.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Keeping track of what our employees are working on overall, their productivity, and their hours for payroll.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
28. April 2023
Akilendra S.
„Bestes Aktivitäts- und Zeiterfassungstool für Vertriebsmitarbeiter/Manager“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

The best thing about Time Doctor is that it allows tracking time for different tasks and shows the extra time devoted to activity in the dashboard, enabling us to be more productive and time conscious. You can also track an entire week's activity of an agent and where the person struggled and took more time.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

I felt at times, the tracker stops working if there's an internet issue or breakage, and if you happen not to notice it, it'd stay paused and may not record the correct activities in whole.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It allowed me to be time efficient and helped me track my team's overall time spent on different activities/tasks allotted. It has a very user-friendly UI and easily learnable options and features.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
21. Oktober 2022
Ewan G.
„Geniale App. Ab und zu überlege ich, etwas zu ändern. Aber ich entscheide mich immer dafür, bei Time Doctor zu bleiben!“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

The Time Doctor task timer has the most optimal implementation of an Idle function. When you go Away From Keyboard (AFK), it pauses the timer. When you return later, the app asks whether to record that time or not. This is super helpful. Most other timers record that time as if you were still at the computer. Occasionally, you DO want to record that time AFK, so it is better to be asked what to do with it. For me, this is the main feature of Time Doctor, along with the ability to edit time later on.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

When you edit the time, it shows in a different color than for the time recorded live. I would prefer to have the option for both to display with the same color in reports.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Recording project time. Estimating time accurately on future projects.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
13. Oktober 2022
Sabrina B.
"sehr hilfreich"
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

counting my productivity, and billable hours.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

none so far at the moment. I like it much

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

manual time tracking

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
22. September 2022
Caner T.
„Einfach und effektiv“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

It is very nice that it works in the background and takes screenshots without any unlawful system. Clock and minute - based can be looked at. Fast and effective

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

There's nothing I don't like, it's pretty good. It runs on its own in the background.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Thanks to this program, we learn all the information such as how much breaks do all our staff working in the company actively work.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
09. September 2022
Lyndol T.
„Großartig für die Produktivität“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

Very easy to use and there is no grey space in terms of providing reasons for doing certain things at certain times.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

Don't like the fact that it starts recording the moment your pc opens.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Showing me how long certain tasks take which provides insight into how we can become more efficient in certain areas and how we can use our time better. Provides clear indication of where we can improve.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
08. September 2022
Dave S.
Ich bin ein unabhängiger Vertriebsmitarbeiter im Innendienst
„Außergewöhnliche Zeit, Dr.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

I work as an independent Inside Sales Agent, and it helps keep exact time. If one client has different projects, he knows the time spent.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

No Downside that I could not tell you about.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

It keeps things honest between contractors and owners

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
07. September 2022
Oleg P.
Software IngenieurIn
"Kurze Review"
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

Time Doctor usually works stable. I satisfied.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

There were moments when the Time Doctor did not record inactive time and had to be added manually.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Time Doctor checks my business time.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
06. September 2022
Palash S. Avatar
Palash S.
Senior Produkt- und Projektmanager zum Technischen Direktor
„Tolles Zeiterfassungstool“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

Capture screenshots within random intervals and also allows users to manage those screenshots and rates the user activity during those intervals are few of the highlights that is well experienced in Time Doctor

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

Honestly nothing as such however UI/UX improvement are ongoing and there is always a room for improvement to manage those pop ups which appear and user has only few seconds to click ok unless last 10 minutes from your activity gets deducted

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Time Doctor keeps a track of all our resources working remotely across the globe which eventually helps us to issue a payroll on bi weekly basis so in a way it resolves the major and critical portion of tracking, time management and financial management of all the resources working for us.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
06. September 2022
Rowella B. Avatar
Rowella B.
Virtueller Assistent im Gesundheitswesen
„Rowellas TD-Rezension“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

Application is easy to navigate. Proper. Very detailed.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

Application is sometimes slow. Editing time is sometimes complicated.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

editing time

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
06. September 2022
Anjali S.
Software IngenieurIn
„Großartig, um die Zeit im Auge zu behalten.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

Great for tracking the time. Self analysing for how much time we spend on what

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

Analyze can be better and focus mode should be there.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

To track the time. My time distribution and time management.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
03. September 2022
Stacey R.
Abrechnung und Verwaltung
„Sehr einfach zu verstehende und zu verwendende Software.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

It precisely takes pictures of your employees' work while there are several windows open.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

Integration into other Project Managerhas been very minimal.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Employees tracking time is more accurate/

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
01. September 2022
Carlos C.
Front Desk Supervisor und Auditor
„Sehr ausführliche Betreuung!“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

The software has a variety of options that are quite detailed for monitoring and auditing, it allows me to observe the performance of all the employees in the company.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

It would take off the number of minutes when the computer was idle and the when it stopped, instead of just stopping. I can't go to the bathroom without worrying that it will stop and take away my time; I'm not a robot, you know.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Time doctor has been really helpful to observe low performance employees, comparing the information recorded by their amount of activity and the web cam shots it allows me to correctly take decisions at the time of doing reports.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
01. September 2022
Houssem N. Avatar
Nathalie H.
Software IngenieurIn
„Tolle Erfahrung mit Remote-Arbeitsmanagement“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

Screenshots and idle time are the most important pros, and the price matches the quality and the services you get.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

So far, I couldn't find anything I dislike about Time Doctor.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Monitoring my remote team and checking on their activity while working.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
01. September 2022
Gibran G.
Ersteller von Marketinginhalten
„Das ist DER BESTE Produktivitäts- und Aktivitätstracker, mit dem ich je gearbeitet habe.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

Time Doctor is perfect for big enterprices and small companies alike. I love that I can personalize every task I work on and the time I spend on each task. I also have complete freedom in editing my time.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

I'm trying hard to think of something I don't like about this software, but I can't. It does what it says and does it in a way that doesn't disturb your workflow or work hours.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We have a lot of virtual assistants in our company, hired from all around America. Time Doctor is perfect for us because it keeps us assistants working and keeps track of our activities on our computers. So, at all times, we can be checked and evaluated for our performance.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
01. September 2022
Gladies C.
"Time Doctor-Rezension"
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

This app is very useful in monitoring the staff's activity, not just in tracking their time. In addition, time Doctor is customizable to fit the company's needs. For example, the management can opt to exclude or include certain websites that may not be relevant to one's job.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

The app is constantly updating, so whenever I am engrossed in work, the notification will pop up, but it's nothing to worry about.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

The benefit of having a time tracking device is enormous, especially to a fast-paced company that need not micromanage its staff. It does the work of the human resource department, and with just a few clicks on their computer, HR can generate a report on a particular employee.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
01. September 2022
Fatima A. Avatar
Fatima A.
Administrative Assistant
„Mir gefällt, wie die Zeit erfasst wird und wie man zurückgehen und die Zeit mit den Pausen aufzeichnen kann.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

I liked that whenever I forgot to go back in, if I was using a specific time break, it automatically continued

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

That there are apps that showed as if I was not working or it was time wasted

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Instead of me sending these reports to my bosses, they could easily check the times I'm in

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
01. September 2022
Mohammed Salah B.
Leiter des Marktforschungs- und Designteams
„Erstaunliches Tool, wenn Sie Geld sparen möchten!“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

Non-efficient time automatic tracking is my favorite feature in time doctor, I can see how my team's productivity is going without checking everyone's screenshot.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

TimeDoctor's dashboard is still confusing, for me I would prefer a more clear dashboard that shows only data that gives you feedback on your team members on daily basis.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Some of my previous team members were cheating on TimeDoctor, but thanks to low activity time tracking, I was very easy to spot that. Without timeDoctor, I can't imagine how my business would stay profitable.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
01. September 2022
Vinny S. Avatar
Daniel L.
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

Time Doctor is extremely user friendly, and it's a platform that I've used for many years. It tracks time even if the internet connection goes down, which is a great feature.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

To be honest, having thought about it, there's nothing that I can think of regarding a downside for Time Doctor.

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Well of course, it tracks the time which I need to track for invoicing purposes. It also helps me understand my productivity levels throughout the day.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
01. September 2022
Ernest T.
Medizinischer Rechnungssteller
„Time Doctor ist wirklich zuverlässig und genau. Die Funktion zur Bildschirmaufnahme ist wirklich erstaunlich.“
Was gefällt Ihnen an Time Doctor am besten?

Working with time doctor makes life easier. calculating payroll is no hussle

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht an Time Doctor?

Nothing for at all. Time Doctor is amazing

Welche Probleme löst Time Doctor und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Payroll and Monitoring

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