Zoho Cliq-Hintergrundunschärfe
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Zoho Cliq
Optimierter Team-Kommunikations-Hub
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Zoho Cliq-Bewertungen und Produktdetails

Zoho Cliq-Übersicht
Was ist Zoho Klick?

Zoho Cliq ist ein Teamkommunikations- und Kollaborationstool, mit dem Sie in Echtzeit chatten, Dateien teilen und Aufgaben verfolgen können. Seine Integration mit anderen Zoho Anwendungen und seine KI-gestützte Suchfunktion verschaffen ihm einen erheblichen Vorteil gegenüber der Konkurrenz. Weitere großartige Funktionen sind Audio- und Videokonferenzen, eine mobile App und anpassbare Workflows zur Optimierung von Teamprozessen.

Unternehmen Zoho Korporation
Gründungsjahr 2000
Firmengröße Über 10,001 Mitarbeiter
Hauptsitz Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Soziale Medien
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$ 29.00 / Monat
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Zoho Cliq-Produktdetails
Mittlerer Markt
Einsatz Cloud / SaaS / Webbasiert, Desktop-Mac, Desktop-Windows, mobiles Android, mobiles iPhone, On-Premise-Linux
Schulung Dokumentation
Sprachen Englisch
Zoho Cliq-Funktionen
Admin Controls
Bots und Automatisierung
Anpassbare Benachrichtigungen
File Sharing
Integration mit Apps von Drittanbietern
Monatsage Geschichte
Monatsage Themen
Mobile Access
Mehrsprachiger Support
Bildschirm teilen
Einmaliges Anmelden (SSO)
Integration der Aufgabenverwaltung
Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung (2FA)
Benutzerrollen und Berechtigungen
Zoho Cliq-Medien
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Zoho Klick 1
Zoho Klick 2
Zoho Klick 3
Zoho Cliq-Screenshots
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Letzter Stand: Januar 20, 2025
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219 Zoho Cliq Rezensionen
4.4 von 5
Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
26. Dezember 2021
Mariana G. Avatar
Mariana G.
„Toll für die Teamkommunikation“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

It allows you to communicate through channels with your team or several teams of the company

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

The calls through cliq demand a lot of resources from the internet connection, so if I am on a call and I do not have a good signal or bandwidth then the call is frequently cut off.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Zoho cliq helps me keep my workgroup conversations separate from my personal chats, lets me stay connected on call while we work, and lets me know if someone on the team is available or not. It is also very useful to search for information in a conversation thread.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
24. Dezember 2021
mohit a. Benutzerbild
Mohit A.
Customer Service Specialist
„Rezension der Zoho Cliq-App"
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

Easy-to-use chat that makes communication easy with the team. Easy to get started, It helps tremendously with collaboration between team members. A quick and convenient way to communicate with teams, especially those who work remotely. Also, For a specific discussion, we can create Rooms or Channels.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

You cannot insert another user in the middle of a call with another person. If I want to speak to more than two people at the same time, I have to create a group and then call them one by one.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

A primary function of the chat application is the functionality to facilitate communication between users. It has an easy interface that lets us quickly create a room where we can collaborate with others. We can collaborate via file sharing or via audio conference.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
14. Dezember 2021
Nadeem Ul Haq M. Avatar
Nadeem Ul Haq M.
Software Programmierer
„Perfekte Plattform für CRM zu einem vernünftigen Preis“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

Zoho Cliq is one of the best CRM and productivity management tool I have ever used. The most exciting thing about Zoho Cliq is that it offers all the Zoho applications in a single dashboard. Generating and exporting CRM reports are much easier with Zoho Cliq.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

Zoho Cliq is no doubt a perfect platform for all CRM needs, but I feel it is a little bit expensive for small-sized businesses. Moreover, the web app is slightly laggy at times as the notifications don't arrive instantly.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Zoho Cliq is a perfect tool for office management. It helps me to connect with my team in real-time. I can track my meetings and keep track of all the apps and employees under a single dashboard. It has made my work more straightforward, and that's for sure.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
04. August 2021
Heet M. Avatar
Heet M.
Chief Executive
"Als ein zoho1 Benutzer, Cliq ist ein Kinderspiel. Es fühlt sich für mich intuitiv und mühelos an, auf allen Ebenen zu kommunizieren.“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

It integrates well with Zoho suite. You can chat, voice & video calls & File sharing. Very easy to create new integration with Zoho Creator. It didn't take long for all team members to get accustomed to it. Slack is Limited without higher fees paid.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

In reply to the post, the features are nice but not user-friendly. Other users aren't listed in contacts. and one thing that you should know in advance if a channel will need to access by others outside the Company/ Team Members.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

we are using for basic chat and collaboration are there to simplify communication within our Company and team members. We have significantly increased productivity since using Zoho Cliq. :)

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
12. Mai 2021
Rachit T. Avatar
Rachit T.
Dev Ops/System Engineer
"Zoho cliq ist freundlich und ermöglicht Ihnen eine einfache Kommunikation mit jedem im Netzwerk.
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

Cliq includes more GIFs and also it contains lots of old data in chats that can be used for later use. Also, it lets you bookmark, star the important things, and also set a reminder. Cliq can also be integrated with third-party apps which provide a nice platform for developers as well.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

Sometimes Cliq is kind of slow. However, it contains all the data from previous chats still, it is kind of slow many times. This is not a major issue as some of the best security apps take time to load. in terms of security, it is good and slowness can be ignored sometimes.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

I have integrated third-party apps like uptime robot with Cliq channel so I can easily get the alerts on time and can manage them. It is the most important feature for me as in no time the alert is received on Cliq. Sometimes I forget the messages and tasks so I implement Cliq-based alarms which are beneficial. Also, I don't exactly remember the message date but when I searched in cliq I instantly got what I was searching for.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
Jan 08, 2020
Anand A. Avatar
Anand A.
Web Entwickler
„Sehr gute Plattform zur Kommunikation mit Organisationsmitarbeitern“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

User friendly invironment on desktop, easy to manage and easy to reply anyone.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

When we have a single chat window option, and we click to another person, the other person's chat window is opened, which is good. but when we escape to close the window, the last user's or all other user's window control goes to the very old conversation line. sometime it gives scary experience.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

We have a big space and a large number of employees in the organisation, so to communicate this is the best option.

Unternehmen (> 1000 MA)
27. Mai 2019
Bernice FH-Avatar
Bernice FH
„Das perfekte und effiziente System, um mit Ihrem Team im Einklang zu sein.“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

I like this system a lot because it allows me to use it in different operating systems, even from servers to mobile devices with iPhone and Android, allowing us to be up-to-date and in direct communication with all my work team. I also love its fast handling system and friendly interface, which allows me to use it without much knowledge in this type of software. In case of not being present in the office due to a mishap, this system allows me to be connected with everyone in the office just a message away and with it to be able to know the minors of any event in my business. I can also say that having the technical support team of this system is excellent, they are very attentive and professional, able to get to the bottom of a problem with the system and repair it quickly.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

For now I have no complaints about this system, it just seems incredible to be in contact with my team all the time.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Being able to chat with each member of my work team without fear of leaking each communication is of great benefit to the company, since it has allowed the entire Workgroup to be more committed to the work entrusted and to share information about with others. Being able to promote group unity in my business is difficult, but thanks to this system, it was possible to achieve it without much problem. It is also very useful to use this system to reach more customers and thus have a closer contact and get to provide the best care you deserve.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
13. April 2019
Leonhard C.
Internationaler Marketingstratege
„Ermöglicht eine reibungslose und konstante interne und Kundenkommunikation“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

The software design is very professional and clean, which makes it easy for me to quickly identity all the contact windows and messages. Zoho Cliq packs a lot of punch in one messaging platform. We can add many several different types of content to chat streams like images, web links, tags and video clips. We can also integrate many other advanced features such as polls, event invitations and visual assignment tools.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

By default, Zoho Cliq doesn't come with many advanced visual collaboration tools like other popular platforms. We can add extensions through the Zoho marketplace, but I would rather use features specifically designed for and included in the platform out of the box.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Zoho Cliq is been a useful solution for compartmentalizing multiple messaging streams. Within each chat stream, we can tag single users so that messaging can be more organized and team members have a better idea of when to take action on listed items. The notifications ensure that we'll be notified immediately when new messages are added, so we can respond to issues just as we would with standard text messages, emails or phone calls. If needed, we can also connect to actual audio or video right within the app. So there's less need to use more apps that could lead to confusion and scheduling issues.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
29. September 2018
Gertrudis G.
Human Resources
„100 % aktive Kommunikation.“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

Zoho cliq I like it because it is an efficient software for inter-employee communication within my work, which helps to know the point of view of each department with respect to a specific topic and thus make the right decisions in a very short period of time since we always keep the chat open and this streamlines all the work throughout the organization.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

I consider that the connection is very good, the packages are accessible and the service provided is excellent therefore I have no complaints.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Zoho cliq benefits us because it helps us save time, because since we use this software it is not necessary to call, move from one office to another or make meetings to make decisions, everything is done through this software.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
20. Juli 2018
Arun K.
„Klicken Sie in Cliq“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

Its Looks like whatsapp but it is very useful for internal communication.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

Some options like Add participant and remove participant options are very tough.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

In Zoho cliq we are using it for internal communication in team, then we Sharing the documents. then we are using this for Video and Audio call it is also so ease of access. Also it is available in ios .

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
26. Februar 2024
Sudheer M.
Geschäftsherausforderungen lösen.
„Eine eingehende Betrachtung und detaillierte Untersuchung von ZOHO Der Einfluss von CLIQ auf die Teamkommunikation.“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

Zoho Cliq impresses with its array of features, including robust team collaboration tools, innovative chatbots, and seamless task management capabilities and more. Moreover, its flexible pricing plans cater to all users and businesses of all sizes, offering exceptional value with affordable options.And it is Ease of Use, Ease of Implementation, Ease of Integration.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

Zoho Cliq, though robust, falls short in some areas compared to its competitors. Its integration options are somewhat limited, especially with third-party services. Additionally, its user interface may not be as intuitive or visually appealing as other platforms. While it offers essential features, it lacks some advanced functionalities found in more established products. Moreover, its market penetration and Customer Support may not be as extensive, affecting its adoption and user experience for some.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Zoho Cliq's video conferencing helps to solve business challenges such as disjointed communication experiences, inefficient virtual meetings, and workflow disruptions.And Zoho Cliq's video conferencing feature streamlines collaboration, allowing me to seamlessly transition from discussions to screen sharing, fostering real-time interaction and enhancing productivity in virtual meetings.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
19. Dezember 2023
Sangeetha k. Benutzerbild
Sangeetha K.
Mitarbeiter für digitales Marketing
"Zoho Cliq: Die ultimative Lösung für nahtlose Teamkommunikation“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

The real-time messaging and collaboration features in Zoho Cliq significantly enhance team communication. It has helped us foster a more efficient and connected work environment.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

Nothing to say pretty much, Zoho Cliq has met all my team's collaboration needs seamlessly and efficiently.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Zoho Cliq simplifies our team communication, reduces email clutter, and boosts productivity, leading to quicker decision-making.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
07. Nov 2023
Alison A. Avatar
Alison A.
"Zoho Rezension"
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

Easy communication for colleagues while collaborating on a work project.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

The only downside is that it is not that well known yet.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Easy collaboration.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
18. Oktober 2023
„Es macht Spaß, den Instant Messenger zu nutzen“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

An easy to use communication tool for companies using Zoho applications for their everyday use. I can chat with my coworkers without leaving my applications i use on a daily basis. File sharing is seamless when compared to its competitors.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

Sometimes my screen freezes while using the application. The mobile application is laggy and needs a lot of improvization, while the desktop version works fine.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Zoho cliq is helping teams interact with each other with its instant messaging platform. Cliq easily integrates with the rest of the Zoho tools and helps share files and other work related documents with our coworkers.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
11. Oktober 2023
Kratika A. Avatar
Kratika A.
„Tolles Tool, um intern mit dem Team in Kontakt zu treten. Allerdings kommt es gelegentlich zu technischen Störungen.“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

User Friendly and easy to operate. makes it easy to connect to the team internally

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

Technical glitches occasionally. This hampers the productivity

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

One click connect with the team. We do not need to look for the individuals elsewhere and can easily message anyone

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
09. Oktober 2023
Nishant S. Avatar
Nishant S.
Unabhängiger Unternehmensberater
"Benutzen Zoho Cliq für geschäftliche Zwecke“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

Very user friendly. Good solution for emailing and database usage.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

Takes bit of a time in buffering. Time consuming in terms of navigation.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Helps in storing emails. Large amount of database can also be stored.

Mittleres Marktsegment (51–1000 Mitarbeiter)
04. Oktober 2023
Shubhi S.
Etl-Entwickler Talend
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

can be access through mobile , channels and groups available

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

customer support, sometimes it hanged and get time to restart

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

instant connecting with team and business

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
21. September 2023
Mohamed H.
„Die beste Remote-Teamzusammenarbeit“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

Ease of installation and Administration, while fully integrated with other ZOHO Suite Apps makes it allot easier the teams abillity to chat and collaborate so easily and with ZOHO Cliq 4.0 Smart features like the new phone system and Smart Meetings makes the world alot easier

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

None, Actually for a year of installing, administring and consulting different ZOHO product and Cliq among them for different customers, haven't came across any dislike either of my own or any of the customers.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

eversince the panademic and large number of businesses turned to remote work around the world, and with how easy to use and varity of communication channels availed by Cliq, strating from chat and being integrated with other Zoho Apps, meetings, and the new phone system

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
19. September 2023
Mihir S. Avatar
Mihir S.
Full Stack Entwickler
"Zoho Cliq-Rezension"
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

Zoho Cliq is easy to operate. Zoho Cliq provides all the required features like messaging, group discussion, reminder, multiple options in file sharing, video call, voice call, notes, etc. to communicate with the team.

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

Sometimes it runs very slowly or sometimes it stops working suddenly. Sometimes the notification stops working and it shows after 1-2 hours in the mobile app.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

Internal team communication and collaboration. It can be integrated with other CRM tools. It also provides a mobile app.

Kleinunternehmen (50 oder weniger Mitarbeiter)
28. August 2023
Subashini s. Benutzerbild
Subashini S.
Account Executive
„Erweitertes Maß an benutzerfreundlicher Software“
Was gefällt dir am besten? Zoho Klick?

It is providing great support for communication process of hybrid work. It helps to deliver the work efficiently. In addition to that, thebest part o is followings: 1. Meeting recording 2.Documents sharing 3. Calendar reminders

Was gefällt Ihnen nicht? Zoho Klick?

Not figured any missing functionality yet.

Welche Probleme gibt es Zoho Cliq-Lösung und welchen Nutzen haben Sie davon?

The parts are meeting recording and calendar reminder. Those features are helps to enhance the efficiency of communication.

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